Help, I Need an Insta Coach…


Just like when I started running, I find myself arriving late to the social media party.

Specifically the Insta(gram) party.

I used to believe exercising was a waste of my time until I started piling on the pounds. Then I became a quick convert to the benefits. Similarly I was a reluctant social media user. Except for Strava. I LOVE STRAVA.

Then I realised I needed social media to publicise my coaching business. Could I master it at 45 years old?

So I’ve been immersing myself in hashtags, tags, post times, reels, stories, videos, emojis, captions etc and as I venture into this strange new world, I’m beginning to think, maybe Instagram is a bit like running?*

*To be fair, there’s a risk that I use running as a metaphor for everything, or, more realistically, everything as a metaphor for running, but bear with me! For those of you who want to know how I feel about running, listen to the start of this. For football, read running.

Insta = Running #1 : Anyone can do it!

Anyone can put a photo on Instagram, just like anyone can lace up some trainers and run.

Insta = Running #2 : But doing it well is complex in many ways..

Do you need to take a good photo? Or maybe you should do a reel? What hashtags should you use?

Talent will take you so far but you need to understand a little about the moving parts to really get your Insta humming.

Insta = Running #3 : How do the pros make it look so easy?

I get I’m never going to have millions of followers.

Just like I’m not going to run a sub-2 hour marathon (yet), but I’d settle for looking natural in reels (Insta) and keeping my shoulders down (running).

I’ve noticed that people are great at spotting the flaws (in both) but not so good at giving actionable ideas for improvement!

Insta = Running #4 : Success requires consistency

I can’t be 100% sure consistency will breed social media success, but what I can be sure of is that giving up after one or two (dismal) tries isn’t the way forward.

I need to embrace being a beginner, try things again and again, and try not get (too) upset that I’m not performing, right from the get go, like Kilian Jornet.

Insta = Running #5 : Coaching helps

There’s LOADS of information on ‘tinter-web’ about how to grow your Insta followers but frankly I’m not sure I’m able to distil it all in a way that allows me to meet my (fairly modest) goals.

Are these the Insta equivalents of HIIT? Eg: it works great for a couple of months but is completely unsustainable in the long term?

I need someone who can help me in the long term, so I can truly begin to make some gains in my Insta.

I need a coach, with the knowledge and experience and understanding of the latest thinking in the world of social media.

Insta = Running #6 : Coaching offers..

Help in developing the right technical skills

So I’m working with (rather than against) the Insta algorithm as it evolves.

An approach that’s sustainable and fun

I need to be doing this for the long term. And I want to be held accountable for doing what’s needed.

Support and encouragement to build self-confidence

I’m very critical of my appearance in photos and videos so I need help understanding what I’m doing well, and building my belief that I’m doing a good job.

Tools to develop mental resilience

Social media is addictive and can take you away from your family. My running’s bad enough! And how do you keep going when you’re not making the progress you’d like?

And at the end of it all..

I’m torn between leaving you with two things. The coach in me wants to say if your running is like my social media, I’m here to help. While my inner child just wants to say I FREAKING love a metaphor!

And I bet I can make anything a metaphor for running.

Go on, try me…


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A Tale of Two 100 Milers